Tuesday, August 30, 2005

it's almost that time

So I've been pretty much been bumming around for the past two weeks. It seems to me that the only times I ever leave the house is to go to someone's "Goodbye Party" or to meet up with friends before I leave. It amazes me how many recent graduates are going back to school. And those who aren't...can't find jobs. I am so not looking forward to dealing with that "real world" stuff. It's also kinda sad to see everyone splitting up again, 2 of my friends are in NYC now and 1 more is leaving soon. Raileen's left for Michigan, Bern's going to Kingston, Olga's in London already and Audrey's heading to Barrie. Not to mention everyone who's already left before....sigh. I guess that's part of growing up.

As for me, I can't believe only 3 more days and I'll be on that plane to Europe...I can't believe it's really happening....I really am going to be walking the Pilgrim's Road to Santiago. There's still much packing and unpacking and packing I have to do. It seems that no matter how much stuff I take out of my pack, it's not getting any lighter. I am soo going to die. I knew I should've started getting physically ready for this journey way before hand.

Oh well, too late do that now. Today I went to Yuk Yuks with the A.S.C.C. plus Charlotte. It was so nice to see them again. There was a huge thing at MuchMusic coz the Olsen Twins are in town. Oooooohh..how exciting is that? (please note the sarcasm dripping from my keyboard) The next few days are going to be quite busy. Tomorrow, I'm helping my cousins Shaza and Shani move into their new apartment. Am excited for them. Then on Thursday, I'm going to Wonderland with Becky and Rami...French camp friends. That should be fun. And well, I guess Friday's my last chance to lighten my pack and then I'm off on Saturday. I can't wait!!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Cosmic Bowler

So I hung out with Tito Roger, Lola and Ate today. After mass, we dropped of my sis bf Juan at his place (coz he got work) and then the 4 of us went for some good ol Vietnamese food. Afterwards, we went for some Glow in the Dark Bowling. I was winning until the last set when I screwed up and both my uncle and my sis got strikes. I ended up being the loser. booo. On then next round I redeemed myself and ended up in second place. Woohoo! Not bad for a non-bowler. After much fun, we went to a Filipino restaurant for some halo-halo. Note to self: don't go to Sampaguita for halo-halo ever again. They barely put anything in it. Totally sucked! OH, for those who don't know what halo-halo is, its a drink/dessert made up of a mixture of sweetened beans, jelly, milk, ice and topped off with ice cream and leche flan. yum yum on a hot summer day. Newayz, ever since being home, I've totally been catching up on the ethnic cuisines I missed out on in North Bay. Tomorrow we pick up my mom from the train station. She's coming from New Jersey and she's got presents for us! Can't wait! I also can't wait for some good ol' homestyle meals. Yup, it's all about the food for this baby =)

Saturday, August 13, 2005


So the surprise BBQ for VP was a mini-success. So...Tricia forgot a bunch of stuff like charcoal, fire starter, bbq tongs, plates, napkins, etc....but it was good anyway. My sis and I didn't stay long however because it was mostly my bros friends and frankly being around so many anorexic looking girls was putting a damper on my day. Tonite, my cousin Shaza's boyfriend RJ and his band Black Paranoia played at Hacienda. It's a spanish owned lounge but managed by a Filipino so the crowd is mostly Filipino. The music was entertaining...leaning more towards Heavy Metal. After the band, the place turned into a mini-club. The music was cool but alas, no eye candy as usual. Why do I even bother looking? I dunno. Good times anywayz. After the club, RJ was really hungry so we went to China town for some Authentic Chinese. Yum yum!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Birthdays and Farewells

So, today was my last day in North Bay. It was kinda sad saying goodbye to everyone. Yesterday, we took lots of random pics and today, well today was just last minute packing and cleanin, lots of hugs and promises to keep in touch. Rami and I took the Ontario Northland Train back to Toronto. That was fun...unfortunately we got delayed for an hour and well..we both had to struggle with the amount of luggage we had. hehe. VP, Tricia and Ate and I met up at Finch Station. Then we headed to Little India to have dinner. It was lots of fun. VP was kinda sad coz he thought that none of his friends cared about celebratin his birthday. Hahahah....the surprise tomorrow is gonna be great! The food at Lahortika was soo good and the people were so friendly. I had pistachio ice cream for dessert. Yummy! All in all, I'm going to miss everyone at French Camp but I'm glad to be home as well.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Last Nite

Here's the story of my NorthBay Family...

Caitlin (17) and Colin (18) are my (24)legitimate parents
Selay (22) and Rami (17) are another married couple
Caitlin and Rami are having an affair and Anne-Marie (19) plus one on the way is a product of their adultery.
Selay is Colin's Mistress and they have an illegitimate child Jessica (17)
My biological Father is Rami.
Jessica's Biological Father is Rami.
So...all in all...All 3 children's biological father is Rami, Anne-Marie is my full sister, Jessica's my half-sister and my dad Colin...he's sterile

Yeah, we're one big happy family indeed. Am so going to miss everyone. Here's a sneak peak of our little family album =)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Wars

It all started last week when Caitlin and I were bored and decided to set things on fire. I got this bright idead to have a mini campfire on the pavement infront of their cabin. Soon, Selay, Jessica, Anne-Marie and Marie joined us and we were toasting marshmallows. Then the security guys came...Jessice doused the flames with milk and we ran into the house. Didn't get into trouble...but the security guys said that was it for the night coz there's a fire ban right now and the fire chief will get upset with us. So....he said that night...what do we do? We have another one ofcourse! This time, we invited Colin...how did we get in? Selay crawled through the window! Bad bad idea! Colin doesn't lock his door and sleeps in the nude! Poor Selay. hahhaha. Then the idea came into my head...hmmm...if we can get into the house without anyone knowing...hmmm...The following night..operation Sneak was put into play. At 2am we snuck into the boys house and piled up their furnitures beside the fridge. It was success! Unfortunately, the next morning, Colin tricked Selay and Caitlin into admitting to it. Bummers! That same night we planned to get Colin back but they got to us first! Rami and Colin broke into our house and toilet papered it. To top it off, I completely did not wake up and we didn't get to pull one on Colin at all. The next day, Caitlin and Jessica excused themselves from class and totally trashed the boys place! So awesome! And so the battle ends....so we thought!

Tonight, Caitlin, Selay, Jessica, Anne-Marie, Nadia, Mike and I went to the Moose for wings and drinks and dancing. It was fun but we went home early coz we got exams tomorrow. The sight that welcomed us at home compeletely shocked us! The door was barricaded with the couches, the lightbulbs were gone, the whole house was toilet-papered, our poster of Joey was vandalized and to top it off, our room doorknobs were sticky with syrup! Aaaaaaah! What really set us off though was that not only did they leave a mess with the syrup and desecrated Joey, but they used up all our toilet paper!!!!! Oh, the girls were really pissed and man oh man...did they get Rami back! They made some gross sticky concoction, poured it all over his door, plastic wrapped his door as well and put eggs all over the floor. What a mess! Yup yup, he's got a surprise waiting for him a demain!!!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Trout Lake

Today, Colin, Kaitlyn, Larry and I decided to skip a boring afternoon of french improvs and other activities with Renee and opted to go kayaking and canoeing instead. Colin and I shared a canoe and Larry and Kate got kayaks. It was soo much fun! We paddled across the lake from the marina and there we played this Gunwall Bobbing...a game in which 2 people sand on the canoe gunwalls facing each other and then bob up and down to try to get the other person off the canoe. Crazy! Larry got smoked 3 times, his only win was against me. Oh but what pain I'm in now. Right after Larry fell off the canoe I slipped, fell on my back, hit my ass really hard on the canoe (dented it..oops!) and then fell into the water thinking that I was dead. Ouch!!! After playing that game several times we just floated in the water with our life vests...so cool. While we were there, a storm started brewing (complete with lightning and thunder) and although Kate adn I wanted to stay in the water, Ranger Colin said it was too dangerous and we waited it out on the shore instead. AFter a while, we decided to head out again but just as we started heading out again the storm started picking up again and we were forced to wait it out a bit more at another nicer beach. It was cool, just chilling there and talking about the weird people in the French Camp. Finally when it calmed down a bit, we paddled back to the marina -- that was hard, freaking waves. Poor Colin was doing most of the work. When we got to the marina, the dude in charge (whom i think have been smoking up too much) was so slow. Kate gave us the idea to gun it, but Larry filled out a form when we arrived there so they've got all his info and could get into trouble if we left without paying. So what do I do? I sneak into the little office, grab the paper and we bolted it out of there! But then it started pouring like crazy (we found out later from some lady at the bus station that there was a Tornado warning that day). We got stuck at some religious institution where we borrowed some dude's cellphone to call a cab. Some people who were at the Marina went there too and we were shitting our pants when one of the guys approached us and made a comment on how he saw us there earlier. But he was just a nice guy, even offered us some food.

All in all, it has been such a fun crazy day! Sure I'm in pain, but it was totally worth it! When I got home, I had to cook food coz Selay and Jessica were too lazy to cook the chicken I left out to defrost earlier in the day. Bummers! I should've taken up that guys offer of food. Hehehhhee!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Night Swimming

Yesterday, we went to Le Foret Noir and mon oncle Henri (cool old man) told us all about the forests and other things. Unfortunately, he got a little too political and people kind of got pissed. After we left there, Colin, his friend Britney and I decided to go for a dip at Lake Nippissing. It was fun! Colin kept scaring me and I kept trying to swim under water but I kept floating! Grrr. We were in the water for some time, completely forgettting that we had a bus to catch. So, missing the last bus, after eating some yummy pizza we decided to walk all the way back to Canadore. I was sooo tired!!! It took us about an hour to get home. I was wearing flipflops and on top of it all, both Britney and Colin are over 6feet tall and for every one of their strides I had to take 2 steps just to be at the same pace as them. Aaaaahh!!! And then when we got back, Colin realized he didn't have keys to his place (again!) So Britney ended up crashing out our place (which we didn't mind at all coz she's nice) and Colin crashed at Selays. I swear, that guy really has to learn to carry his keys....he keeps forgetting he isn't in happy, peaceful, Pleasantville-like Sackville, New Brunswick anymore!!! hahahahaha.