Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Quarter of a Century Highlights

I always get the birthday blues. Every year, days before the actual event, I always find myself a little bummed to say goodbye to another year of youthful days and move on to the next. This year wasn't that much different from the rest but with a little help from my friends, my bday week turned out to be a great memorable event.
On the morning of the 26th, I was going absolutely berserk from boredom. I've been staying at home for the past few days trying to job hunt but have been unsuccessful. I tried calling everyone I know but I guess since everyone is either at work or at school and no one was available. Finally, Rudy called me in the early evening to go buy a bbq. That's right,Rudolph offered to throw me a bbq/kegger at his place. And aside from being a little late on the evite (and I'm not sure if that is to blame or people are just super lazy that until the day of the actual event, half of the people in the list haven't responded yet) we were also last minute on the actual bbq preparations itself. Afterwards, he gave me and Gavin a ride to Silver City where we met up with Neal and Bern to watch X-3. It was the first day of the show and the place was soo packed that we couldn't even get seats together, Bern and Neal had to take the seats infront of us. The movie was actually pretty good but I think I still liked the first two better.

The next day, I woke up to flowers at the door. Kuya Ian sent me some which was really cool since I've never had flowers delivered to me before. Then, my mom and I went around to shop for food for the bbq. We got awesome sausages and shish-kabobs for really cheap. Woohoo! By 4:30, I called rudy and the crazy dude was still downtown playing poker. Aaarrgh!!! So last minute I ended up buying the propane tank and the rest of the food and he went to go get the drinks. By the time I picked up Gavin and got to Rudolph's house it was already past 7 and Lily, Richard and Neena were already there. embarassing. Despite the lack of "yes" on the evite, a lot of people actually showed up and it was so much fun! It felt a lot like a highschool/university reunion. John and Tamara came from Burlington, WenBey showed up all the way from Ottawa (and I didn't even know he was coming!!!), Diana M. rode her super bike Bellatrix bike and Nicole showed up as well! It was wicked because I haven't seen them in a while!It was also wicked hanging out with Will, Joey, Marija, Audrey and the girls as well. Overall, it was a total success! They loved the food and we got around $90 from the beer fund which helped Rudy a lot.

The next day, I had another bbq with the family. Gavin and Trish came over as well. It was funny coz I dragged Gavin to church then invited him to a bbq where he had to help cook the food. So bad. Lianne and family dropped off their new puppy Kiko for the night and he provided much entertainment for us. Super cute!!! It kept chewing on grass and twigs and licking tomatoes while ignoring the meat we were giving it. I think it might be a vegetarian like Lianne.

On Monday, Rudolph, Gavin and I met up again (yeah we have this new crew of slackers or people who don't work much) and decided to finish up the left over beer from saturday night. I got so drunk and even got sick once (I blame it on the chicken wings Rudy put on the grill). We played dominoes and kicked Gavin's ass for a bit until he retaliated. Roger also joined us a little bit when he got home from work. Then, around 4pm Rudy kicked us out coz he had to go to Dragon Boat practice and Gavin and I just chilled watching the Dave Chapelle show. Too hilarious! I was still a bit tipsy by the time I left for home. I promised myself after that day that I wouldn't drink anymore for the rest of the week or month. Unfortunately, that promise didn't even last a day since yesterday after having lunch with Dave on Bay St. downtown, Joy and I had a drink at Elephant n Castle. I also went to Lianne's jazz gig at Marlowes. Shaza, April and Daniel were there too so I got to hang out with them for a bit as well which was nice.

So it's been a wonderful several days indeed. Today I think I'm just goin to relax and maybe apply for some jobs. I guess it's about time I get a bit serious.....oh who am I kidding...PARTY ON!!!


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