Sunday, February 26, 2006

Capital Time at Ottawa!

The weekend didn't start out that great. Neal and Rudolph picked me up from work on Friday and we got stuck in traffic on our way to Kingston to pick up Bernadette. We were having a good time in the car...doing fun riddles and enjoying the music when next thing we know we're getting pulled over by a cop for speeding. Totally sucked! I don't know what I would've done if I was in Neal's place but he was a real good sport and managed not to let it ruin his weekend.

So we finally make it to Selay's place and we just went out for a drink and watched Lord of War on DVD. Yesterday we totally slept in then made a huge breakfast. We burned a few pancakes first but we finally got the hang of it and Selay made the biggest pancake ever for Neal. So funny. Afterwards, we went skating at the Rideau and had hot chocolate and beaver tails. I only fell once...curtesy of Rudolph who pushed me. We tried to get in the Parliament building after but we missed the last tour. Which worked out for the best coz we ended up going to Parc du Lac Beauchamp in Gatineau,Quebec and went tubing. So much fun. We passed around a bottle of sparkling first and then did all sorts of crazy formations goind down the hill. So crazy fun. That night, we played drinking games (while trying to watch Saw 2 at the same time) and got totally smashed. WenBey came out as well despite being sick and we had such a great time. We event went on Speaker's Corner and made absolute fools of ourselves...I wonder if they'll put it on. Rudy made a horrible rendition of William Hung's She-Bang. It was great! Neal was so drunk that he couldn't say a simple riddle. Selay got super drunk as well...she broke a lot of glasses that night...and got real friendly with WB too. hahaha

Today, after sleeping in again, we had some Chinese and then went snow shoeing at Gatineau Park. So funny coz we were all expecting to rent old raquet style snowshoes and were disappointed to get modern ones. hahaha.

Overall, aside from the speeding ticket and Rudolph's loud was a stupendous weekend. Good times indeed!


At 8:46 PM, Blogger Rudolph said...

Hey, I like to describe my snoring as mild rock concert. It was a good weekend indeed!


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