Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween !!!!

So it's been one fun halloween weekend so far. On Friday we celebrated my bestest buddy Rudolph's birthday at Afterlife. I can't believe my first clubbing experience back in the T.O. is in an Asian club. Yuck. Oh well, anything for a friend. I had a good time anyway, drinkin it up, dancin a bit and meeting some random guy who currently knows me as Cassandra. Yeah, I dunno why I like to giving fake names to guys in clubs. The best part of the evening...or morning...aside from walking with stumbling Rudolph by the park near his house, was running into Diana and Annette, highschool friends. It was awesome seeing them again after who knows how long.

On saturday, my cousins Shaza and Shani had a party at their house. I was dressed up as a guy/vampire from Edwardian times...then I decided to get some makeup done and opted to be a vampire victim instead. Hehehe. It was cool, but the makeup stained my shirt. Hopefully, it'll come off. The party was fun aside from the fact that I didn't know most of the people there. Rudolph came by, we played poker with a bunch of Shaza's friends and I threw shoes at my cousin who borrowed a friend's Sadako costume. Yeah, poor girl but she knew that I'm freaking scared of The Ring and really should've known better. Hahaha.

Tonight, I'm staying home, putting on a mask and am planning to scare some kids before I give em candy. Man, I miss those days of trick or treating. Oh well, I'm hitting up the stores tomorrow anyway and hoard up some candies on sale. Yeah baby!


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