Tuesday, August 30, 2005

it's almost that time

So I've been pretty much been bumming around for the past two weeks. It seems to me that the only times I ever leave the house is to go to someone's "Goodbye Party" or to meet up with friends before I leave. It amazes me how many recent graduates are going back to school. And those who aren't...can't find jobs. I am so not looking forward to dealing with that "real world" stuff. It's also kinda sad to see everyone splitting up again, 2 of my friends are in NYC now and 1 more is leaving soon. Raileen's left for Michigan, Bern's going to Kingston, Olga's in London already and Audrey's heading to Barrie. Not to mention everyone who's already left before....sigh. I guess that's part of growing up.

As for me, I can't believe only 3 more days and I'll be on that plane to Europe...I can't believe it's really happening....I really am going to be walking the Pilgrim's Road to Santiago. There's still much packing and unpacking and packing I have to do. It seems that no matter how much stuff I take out of my pack, it's not getting any lighter. I am soo going to die. I knew I should've started getting physically ready for this journey way before hand.

Oh well, too late do that now. Today I went to Yuk Yuks with the A.S.C.C. plus Charlotte. It was so nice to see them again. There was a huge thing at MuchMusic coz the Olsen Twins are in town. Oooooohh..how exciting is that? (please note the sarcasm dripping from my keyboard) The next few days are going to be quite busy. Tomorrow, I'm helping my cousins Shaza and Shani move into their new apartment. Am excited for them. Then on Thursday, I'm going to Wonderland with Becky and Rami...French camp friends. That should be fun. And well, I guess Friday's my last chance to lighten my pack and then I'm off on Saturday. I can't wait!!!!


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