Saturday, July 23, 2005

Corrupting Colin

So today we went on the Chief Commande...a ferryboat cruise around Lake Nippissing. It was nice, took lots of pics as usual. Bought drinks for Joey and Larry...the underagers. After the cruise, Anne-Marie, Caitlin and I went to the mall. First, we wanted to see if there was another way from the beach to the bus station. After walking quite a way, we asked some hotdog stand lady if there was another way than the one we always took and she said no. grrr. we didn't want to walk all the way to the other end of the beach coz we would miss the bus so we decided to hop a fence...well, it ended up to be 2 fences. So funny! We tried to look inconspicuous but we hopped the fence close to a merry go round and train ride. So funny, all these kids watching 3 girls climb a wire fence. Then on the way to the other side, I lost my slipper while climbing out of a ditch (mixture of sand and dried tar) Then I lost it again while trying to climb the 2nd fence. The best part of the whole adventure was that when we got to the bus stop, we found out that everyone was there and they all witnessed our escapade...and me losin my slippers! Note to self, next time I decide to climb fences again, wear proper shoes!

Tonight we had a party at my place. Sole purpose of the party: to get Colin as drunk as we can (the boy doesn't drink although we have been spiking his smoothies for weeks now!) To cut a long but funny story short....mission successful!!! For every new drink that someone opened, Colin had to take a shot of it. But ofcourse, Joey and I were cheating him all the way. So funny!!! Joey and Becky and Kate also got tanked. Jessica fell asleep early. I threatened to smash Nadia in the face because she was going to spray the fire extinguisher into her mouth (coz Joey dared her to do it and she was dumb enough not to figure out that she would die with the pressure in that tank!) Rami (another 17yr old) had his first drink ever tonite and he taught me and Kate the coolest Rami dance. You have to see it for yourself! By the end of the night, Colin and Becky broke a glass each, Joey fell asleep on the floor again, we created some pretty messed up homevideos and well...everybody in the house got TIPSY! Good times all around =)


At 7:17 AM, Blogger Rudolph said...



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