Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Moonlit Hike

After another boring day of classes, we had another equally boring day of afternoon activities. I swear, they get more pointless everyday. Yesterday, we did a sort of scavenger hunt wherein we were given french clues and had to find small pieces of paper that corresponded to it. So dumb. Two of the members in our team cheated and tore out the papers for the other team so that they couldn't find it. Then one of them, Nadia, was stupid enough to tell the other group what she did. Soooo dumb! I mean, if you're gonna cheat, might as well cheat properly. Larry was so pissed!!! After that, Becky and I went to NorthGate Mall. We had a 30mins wait before our next bus so we ate dinner at subway..freaking expensive and my sub was rock hard. Never gonna eat there again! Then we almost missed our bus. It was worth the trip though coz we went crazy shopping at the dollar store (yeah, we're gonna be doing arts and crafts coz we are soo utterly bored) and I also got a salsa cd and 3T (totally rockin boy band hahhahhaha) for 99 cents each. Wicked! We got home sooo late coz we missed the bus out of the mall.

When we got back, I noticed that it was a full moon. So after chillin for a while, Colin and I decided to go on a hike by the trails. We had to run and leave Nadia behind (coz she freakin annoys me and is such a bizarre girl!) I admit, it was kinda mean but I don't think we would've had as much fun if she came along. It was pretty dark along the trail but I had a flashlight. Colin saw a garter snake, I thought a rock was a huge toad and there were some bats flying around. We made it to the lookout point and the view was breathtaking! We stayed there for a while swapping crazy stories till it got too cold and we headed back home. At "base camp" Jessica was still up, and we ended up stayin up till 2am chatting it up about the dreaded topic of boys (as usual).

All in all, despite the lack of french learning, am having a good time here in North Bay. 3 more weeks to go!!!


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