Friday, July 01, 2005

Started out Great, Ended up Terribly

Ever had a day that was so good you wanted it to last forever...and a night that was so bad you just couldn't wait for it to end? Well, I just had one yesterday. First, the good stuff. My friend Juan and I don't always get to hang out together. However, the few times that we do, we always have such a great time. For the first time in years, him and I spent time together just the two of us. It was so much fun. We planned to go to the Art Gallery of Ontario in Downtown Toronto so we met up early at Finch Station. First we had breakfast at Maison du Croissant (I think that was the name of the cafe) then we made our way to Nathan Phillips Square where there was supposed to be a free concert and featured restaurants. It so happened to be the Downtown Toronto Jazz Festival, so we got to listen to some cool Jazz music. We didn't stay long coz it was so nice outside. We were looking for a place to eat when we passed by the park where so many years ago, him and our friends spent one of the best summer afternoons ever. So, feeling a tad nostalgic, we sat on the grass and reminisced about old times. We also kept each other updated with all the drama that has gone on in our lives. We had lunch in a nice Japanese restaurant where Juan stuffed himself with salmon before we headed to A.G.O. When we got there, half the gallery was under construction and only 4 rooms were available! Felt totally jipped! However, we still managed to have a lot of fun, taking random photos with sculptures.

Everything went downhill after this point. First, going home, I got on the wrong bus and the bus driver was being such an ass and would not let anyone get off at my stop. Then on the way home, my bro took the wrong route and we got stuck in crazy traffic. When we did get home, my bro announced that I only had about 30mins to get ready and make up my mind whether I wanted to go clubbin that night. I was so not in the mood for it anymore because I was so tired from walking around but I couldn't get a hold of my friend Charlotte with whom I was supposed to meet up. Somehow, I managed to find a friend to meet up with and VP dropped me off at Rudy's place. So things started looking up. Rudy's bro dropped us off at Afterlife (club) just in time so that we were on the guest list, had line bypass and got in the club for free. And then I came to the realization that it was an Asian Jam. Look here, I have no problems with Asians. I am Asian myself and I've got lots of Asian friends. However, I cannot stand asian jams in which a bunch of girls get drunk so easily and start doing hug fests, a bunch of people who cannot dance and the absolute lack of eye candy!!! Despite having some of my friends there, I just wasn't having a good time and I wanted to leave. My bro was supposed to pick me up downtown but when I called him he was already uptown! To top it off, at this time, the subway was no longer working and there wasn't any room for me in Rudy's friend's car. Aaaaaaaaaargghh!!! I ended up getting dropped off at a bus stop, having to deal with an annoying guy who was telling me that standing there meant that I wanted something more than just to get home(like what the heck is that supposed to f%&#ing mean?), sitting beside a drugged up couple who kept making out with their tongues out (so gross) and ruining my earrings (i dunno how that happened). Then, just when I got off the bus and finally I can get home. My brother waits at some out of sight parking lot, different from where we planned to meet up and I had to not only end up waiting by myself at a gas station for 10mins but I had to deal with some stupid drunken Russian dude trying to pick me up. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!
I swear, how could a day that started out great end up this badly?

So, despite leaving the club early, I ended up coming home past 3am. Then my mom woke me up today at 8:30am coz we had to go cherry picking. However, even though I had a terrible night and was quite exhausted, cherry picking with my mom and our neighbour Vod ended up being really fun. I mean, we did have to drive around to several farms to find the best cherries but it was great anyway. Which is how it should be since after all, it is Canada Day today. Now, am looking forward to seeing some nice fireworks later tonite and to going back to sleep coz tomorrow, is back to work for me. Why can't the good times just last?


At 5:24 AM, Blogger Snowbear said...

I love the cloaked profile picture!

Have you read the magick of THE NEPHILIM AGE?


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