Saturday, June 18, 2005


So, I am now an official Bachelors of Science degree holder. It doesn't feel any different. I know I've told many people that I didn't want to go to convocation (mostly because I wanted to extend my trip in the Philippines) but I'm glad that I came. It was so nice seeing everyone again as a group one last time. It was cool hearing about what people have done for the past 2 months and what they're planning to do in the future. So many are going off to further education, may it be for grad school, college or professional school. Enough people are engaged to be married. Still, many of us don't really have any concrete plans for the future, looking for possible employment, or just bumming around. Looking around me, I couldn't help but feel a little sad to know that I probably would not see many of the people that were there. After convocation, I came over Lisa's place and chatted with her landlady, Marybeth, maybe for the last time in a long time. I shall miss her, she was very nice. Then I had dinner with Lisa, Sorin and Steve. They're all heading to the west coast after this and I will not see them in a long time. I shall miss them a lot. For old time sake, we bought some wine and brought it over at Charlotte's bro's place where I was to stay for the night. There we played "who can get the cork in the can" game. Steve won, and I told him he has to keep the "convocation can" until we meet again and can compete for it once more. Later on, many of us went to Starlight Friday Funk night. The music was alright, but it was the people that made it fun. It was so awesome to hang out w/ the Charlie's Angels, Neena and Charlotte again. Despite all the antics that have happened, it was nice to see everyone together just like old times. It was funny how today I actually got to see some of my old time Jason, my frosh leader, the only reason why I even attended the frosh week events. I can't believe he's now an optometrist. Wow! The cute boy have brains! It was also amazing that I saw Trevor and Matt. The funny thing is...none of them are as cute as they used to be. It is definitely time to move on. Hahahaha!

As much as I'd hate to admit this, I will miss Waterloo very much. I will miss the laidback days, late nights, and just having my friends a short distance away. I wonder where everyone will be 5 years from now...I guess that's what email is for.

Oh, we also had dinner at Mandarin with the family and friends to celebrate my Graduation. Yummy food as usual!


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