Saturday, June 11, 2005

Last Night in the Philippines

I don't want to leave yet. Last night, the family went to Baywalk where I met up with Jen, Myra and Mitzi Rose. It was hilarious. Out of boredom, we tried to pick up the keyboardist of the band we were listening to. He ended text messaging me thinking that I was was a hoot. Too bad Mitzi had to work the next day, and well, I'm leaving soon. Our time together was too short indeed. The family had a good time as well. Tito Rod and Tito Roland were caught drinking beer outside the bars and almost got ticketed by a cop. Good thing they were able to talk him out of it. Before heading home, we passed by a GOTO place and I had a yummy siopao. Then they went to go buy fresh fish...I couldn't believe that people did this so early in the morning! Because of the early morning shopping spree, the food at tonight's party was so good. Everybody came and had a good time. It was nice seeing the family get together without drama. Unfortunately, Kuya Jeremy couldn't make it coz Ate Rose was not feeling well and he didn't want to risk going out especially since she is due to give birth any day now. My cousins Kuya Chris and gang and Kuya Gandy couldn't make it either. Which is okay coz at least I got to hang out with them at least once during this trip.

Man...I am so not ready to go home. There are so many things I wanted to do and so many places that I wanted to visit that I haven't yet. Then again, it's probably a good time to go since VP and I have completely ran out of cash. I am so going to miss everyone so much. Going to miss hanging out with Alyssa and Eya, talking to Ate Jane, seeing my friends, chilling with Dette, Jason and Kenneth, playing with Millicent and the kids, eating the good food, shopping like crazy and even sweating buckets!!! Everyone's been asking me when I'll be able to come back again...who knows? I guess it will have to be after I already know what I'll be doing for the rest of my life -- and that could be a while.

Paalam Pilipinas. I shall miss you too much until we meet again!


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