Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Trout Lake

Today, Colin, Kaitlyn, Larry and I decided to skip a boring afternoon of french improvs and other activities with Renee and opted to go kayaking and canoeing instead. Colin and I shared a canoe and Larry and Kate got kayaks. It was soo much fun! We paddled across the lake from the marina and there we played this Gunwall Bobbing...a game in which 2 people sand on the canoe gunwalls facing each other and then bob up and down to try to get the other person off the canoe. Crazy! Larry got smoked 3 times, his only win was against me. Oh but what pain I'm in now. Right after Larry fell off the canoe I slipped, fell on my back, hit my ass really hard on the canoe (dented it..oops!) and then fell into the water thinking that I was dead. Ouch!!! After playing that game several times we just floated in the water with our life vests...so cool. While we were there, a storm started brewing (complete with lightning and thunder) and although Kate adn I wanted to stay in the water, Ranger Colin said it was too dangerous and we waited it out on the shore instead. AFter a while, we decided to head out again but just as we started heading out again the storm started picking up again and we were forced to wait it out a bit more at another nicer beach. It was cool, just chilling there and talking about the weird people in the French Camp. Finally when it calmed down a bit, we paddled back to the marina -- that was hard, freaking waves. Poor Colin was doing most of the work. When we got to the marina, the dude in charge (whom i think have been smoking up too much) was so slow. Kate gave us the idea to gun it, but Larry filled out a form when we arrived there so they've got all his info and could get into trouble if we left without paying. So what do I do? I sneak into the little office, grab the paper and we bolted it out of there! But then it started pouring like crazy (we found out later from some lady at the bus station that there was a Tornado warning that day). We got stuck at some religious institution where we borrowed some dude's cellphone to call a cab. Some people who were at the Marina went there too and we were shitting our pants when one of the guys approached us and made a comment on how he saw us there earlier. But he was just a nice guy, even offered us some food.

All in all, it has been such a fun crazy day! Sure I'm in pain, but it was totally worth it! When I got home, I had to cook food coz Selay and Jessica were too lazy to cook the chicken I left out to defrost earlier in the day. Bummers! I should've taken up that guys offer of food. Hehehhhee!


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