Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A Happy Valentine's Day

The days before Valentine's, I often feel kinda sad knowing that I would most likely spend it as single as ever. However, I've always liked the day itself. This year was slightly different from the rest since I was so busy that I barely had time to even dread the romantic notions attached to the 14th of February.

Yesterday, I saw Tristan and Isolde with a girlfriend. I must say it was a great Valentine treat....hot guys on screen. hehehe.

Today, after a not so chaotic day with the kids I teach, I hung out with one of my closest guy friends. Gavin and I watched Scarface (finally since he's been bugging me to watch it especially since I had his video copy for over 2 years). We also saw some episodes of this cool Jap anime and I scored some movies from him. Oh, and he gave me my Christmas present that was long overdue. I got JLO Miama Glow...a scent that I've never tried before but now actually enjoy.

Afterwards, it was a quiet night at work but it went by swiftly. Then I treated my brother and mom at a Mediterranean restaurant...such good food. Now, I'm uncorking a bottle of win and gonna watch a DVD with my bro and mom.

Overally...it has been quite an enjoyable day. I hope you all had fun today too!


At 9:13 AM, Blogger mamastella said...

happy belated valentine's day to you too charlene :o)


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