Sunday, February 05, 2006

The heart knows what the mind knows nothing of...

So for the past few days I've been really missing a certain friend. He's not my closest fact if I had to judge our closeness with each other based on the memories we've shared, the secrets or burdens we have told each other or how much we really now one another....I'd say we're just casual friends. However, when I'm away from home, he's definitely one of the people that I truly miss. And not in that...I haven't seen this person in a long time and it would be nice to hang out with him again kind of way...but more like I feel that there's something missing in my life since I haven't spent time with him or her in a while kind of way. having said that, my psychoanalytic personality kicked into gear and asked...what does this mean? Am I secretly crazy about this person and am in denial? Or am I just convincing myself that I am secretly in love with this person because Valentine's Day is just around the corner?

So the simpler straightforward part of me (coz if you know me at all you know there's a lot of personalities present here) decided to finally call my friend. And I talked to him for the 15 minutes that my break at work would allow and now I feel so much better.

Hearing his voice, laughing about the same old jokes and having the same light conversations made any weird unwanted doubts I had go away. I was just missing my lucky star.


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