Saturday, April 15, 2006

Bored in California???

So what have I done so far?? Eat eat eat. Oh and sleep and be bored then eat again. I've hung out with Clarissa several times which was good, helping her shop for some stuff that she needs for a wedding. Unfortunately, she's as picky and as undecisive as I can be when it comes to shopping for stuff. Last saturday was her sister's Precious' bday and I had dinner at her house and met most of her family. I also tried on my dress and didn't fit! aaaargh! But no worries since I'm actually getting it altered now. The other day I spent the day with her sisters and nieces and we did the tourist thing in LA. It was fun. We stuffed ourselves with really yummy sushi then checked out the Disney Concert Hall, the original Los Angeles where they had a mexican bazaar and Hollywood where I took pics of the stars' footprints and favs included Donald Duck's footprints and Kermit the Frog's star of fame. hehe. Aside from that I've been chilling a lot with my cuzins Omar, VP and MM. Eating out, watching movies (we watched Take the Lead which was enjoyable and made me want to go ballroom dancing) and playing games while getting tipsy.

Today I was supposed to go to a spa with my friends but for reasons I will not mention here I couldn't go so I'm going shopping with la familia instead. Tonite we might do a bachelorette thingy for Clarissa. So yeah...I haven't been that bored...really I've only been bored before 3pm most days coz then I get to stay home and watch tv and wait for people to get off work to pick me up. But I've got a bus schedule now so maybe things will look up next week =)


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