Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Fun Times Ahead!

So ever since the wedding, I've been having a blast. On the 23rd, we had a get together at my cuzins place after I went to the restaurant with Clarissa's family. Yeah, I made all my relatives listen to Clarissa and Jordan sing coz they're so good. Then from Monday - Wednesday, my sis, mom and I hit up Vegas!!! It was soo much fun! We went crazy shopping, met up with Tito Dennis (my mom's previous co-worker) and he hooked us up with free pizza at SBarro. Then on Tuesday we visited my aunt Maureen and Tito Jun and she took us to Red Rock Canyon. It was spectacular. I jumped and ran from rock to rock with my barefeet! Then we ate buffet and played Bingo at Red Rock Casino. That night she took us to the old strip where we ran from one casino to another signing up for player's cards so we can get free stuff. It was so hilarious. At this point, I was getting real sad coz I haven't won anything and Ate and mom have. Then when we were in Flanigans, just when I had lost my last dollar I saw a gigantic dollar slot machine. I asked my mom for money just so I can try it once and lo and behold...I wond $50!!!! Yay! It was a super fun day. I am ever grateful to Clarissa and family for lending me her car and giving us a place to stay in Vegas.

But the fun didn't end there. On Thursday, my cuzin Joanna picked us up from my aunt's place to go to San Diego. Ultra fun weekend! I went to Hooters for the first time...ultra degrading moment when the waitresses had to stand on chairs and do a little dance. I met her "special friend" Leo and his buddy Kenneth there too and they were pretty cool. That night we went to a bar by the beaches and god tipsy and danced and laughed our heads off. The next day my uncle Miguel brought us to Tijuana, Mexico. Unfortunately, we didn't have much time and all we did was buy some cheap liquor at Duty Free and eat yummy seafood and lobsters at his fav restaurant. That night we went out clubbing with Joanna's friends again. The music was alright but there weren't much eye candy. Story of my clubbing life. Sunday was the best day coz we went to Sea World. It was hilarious how we all ended up wearing orange shirts (me, my mom, sis, Tito Miguel and Tita Thelma..another of my mom's cuzins). I had lots of fun at Sea World and wanted to take Shamu home with me. Too bad I don't have a gigantic saltwater pool. Dang! That night, the family went out for dinner then Kenneth, Leo, Joanna, Ate and I went out for drinks at a microbrewery and then hung out a Hookah place where another of Joanna's friends Vic, met up with us too. Her friends are pretty cool. San Diego has been a total blast. My cousins Joanna and Michelle (whom I unfortunately didn't get to hang out with much since she was working all the time) are fun and my aunts and uncles super nice.

Now, back in LA for a week to spend some more quality time with the family...and Clarissa and her family too! Yesterday my sis, mom and I walked to the mall..took forever and then we couldn't get ahold of my cuzin Omar to come get us so I had to walk back to the house. So freaking hot that day! Then I met up with Clarissa and family that night and we went out for dinner at a chinese restaurant where I saw Tiffany Amber-Theisen...oh those Save By the Bell days. Couldn't sleep at all that night coz I was super smart to drink capuccino after dinner. Duh? Tonite, Precious, Carlo, Kuya Ian, Ate and I went to a microbrewery where I got a 7 small glasses of different beers they had. It was cool and it got me a little tipsy. We also rented Hostel...not that scary but pretty gross. The best part of the night though was when I got to ride on kuya's Audi TT top down. It was cold that night but we just blasted the heater. Then, he let me drive it. Wooohooo!!!! I've never tried driving stick before and I kept stalling...but it was ultra fun anyway. I was scared I was gonna reck his car but it was alright.

This weekend, Joanna, Leo, my sis and I are planning to go to Vegas again but it might not work out which is alright since it's Omar's bday on saturday anyway and my mom's leaving on Sunday. Clarissa lent me her car again so I might go shoppin with Ate Aileen tomorrow. Next week my sis and I head out to Texas to meet more family we don't's bound to be more good times.


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