Sunday, May 21, 2006

It's good to be home!

So I've been home for almost a week now and I must say I've been having a lot of fun lately..thanks to the fact that I've actually been able to hang out with friends whom I totally missed while I was away.

Last Wednesday, I got to hang out with Gavin and he got me into a new anime series called Bleach which is pretty awesome. Another addicition maybe???? Then that same night, Joy and I had appetizers at Kelseys and caught up. Man I miss hanging out with her! Then on Thursday, Rudolph and I volunteer to help out his brother Roger to supervise some high school trip to the Science Center. It was pretty fun especially when Rudy and I decided to ditch the school to go drink some beer and eat chicken wings at the closest grocery store. Super hilarious! We were drinking beer out of soup cups and we got so full that I was so ready to throw up on the way back to the center. hhahahaha. Then on Friday, Joy, Ate, Juan and I went drinking at my Tito Roger's place then went out clubbing. We got so hammered that even though we ended up at a club called Krave and it was empty..we still had an awesome time. Then yesterday, Mel, Gavin, Joy and I went to the movies. We intended to watch the Da Vinci code but it was all sold out so ended up seeing Over the Hedge. It was actually pretty funny! That night I am ashamed to say that we got totally hammered again drinking at Joy's place with her brothers and friends and playing poker. Nicole and Mel came over too so it was more fun.

It's the Victoria Day long weekend so there are a lot of partying going on. My mom's starting to complain that we're out all the time and I'm trying to explain to's my BirthMonth...I HAVE to PARTY!!! hahahahah


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