Monday, March 05, 2007

What's Up?

Been socializing a bit more lately...definitely an improvement from before. Saw some old kindergarten teacher came to visit from the Philippines and it was nice to see this person who influenced my life in a bigger way than I probably realize (since after all everything one needs to know in life he or she learns in kindergarten).

Attended my manager's retirement party and it was nice to mingle with my old co-workers again. Ate as much good food as I can despite being sick. Yes, I've been in and out of semi-good health for the past 2 weeks and I'm not getting any better.

Been suffering through horrible weather (I actually had to shovel the driveway! Where is my brother when I need him?) and had to skip out on some of my tutoring sessions due to bad weather and bad health. Oh my poor students...yeah right...they're probably jumpin for joy!

My sister got back from a 2-week vacation in Europe and after hearing her fun times I'm inspired to put on my travelling shoes again. India in May? Africa in June? The world is my oyster....I just gotta get a job to finance my trips!

Started a new diet today. So far so good...but I've only been on it for 2 hours. Wish me luck!


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