Sunday, February 26, 2006

Capital Time at Ottawa!

The weekend didn't start out that great. Neal and Rudolph picked me up from work on Friday and we got stuck in traffic on our way to Kingston to pick up Bernadette. We were having a good time in the car...doing fun riddles and enjoying the music when next thing we know we're getting pulled over by a cop for speeding. Totally sucked! I don't know what I would've done if I was in Neal's place but he was a real good sport and managed not to let it ruin his weekend.

So we finally make it to Selay's place and we just went out for a drink and watched Lord of War on DVD. Yesterday we totally slept in then made a huge breakfast. We burned a few pancakes first but we finally got the hang of it and Selay made the biggest pancake ever for Neal. So funny. Afterwards, we went skating at the Rideau and had hot chocolate and beaver tails. I only fell once...curtesy of Rudolph who pushed me. We tried to get in the Parliament building after but we missed the last tour. Which worked out for the best coz we ended up going to Parc du Lac Beauchamp in Gatineau,Quebec and went tubing. So much fun. We passed around a bottle of sparkling first and then did all sorts of crazy formations goind down the hill. So crazy fun. That night, we played drinking games (while trying to watch Saw 2 at the same time) and got totally smashed. WenBey came out as well despite being sick and we had such a great time. We event went on Speaker's Corner and made absolute fools of ourselves...I wonder if they'll put it on. Rudy made a horrible rendition of William Hung's She-Bang. It was great! Neal was so drunk that he couldn't say a simple riddle. Selay got super drunk as well...she broke a lot of glasses that night...and got real friendly with WB too. hahaha

Today, after sleeping in again, we had some Chinese and then went snow shoeing at Gatineau Park. So funny coz we were all expecting to rent old raquet style snowshoes and were disappointed to get modern ones. hahaha.

Overall, aside from the speeding ticket and Rudolph's loud was a stupendous weekend. Good times indeed!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

creeped out

I'm really starting to not like being an adult...expected to be concerned only about adult interests...what the heck does that mean??? yeah..I think I know what that means. Yikes, is anybody interested in just plain friendship or casual conversation anymore?

I've been seriously considering the nunnery lately. I swear, there are some serious weirdos, creeps, desperate people out there.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A Happy Valentine's Day

The days before Valentine's, I often feel kinda sad knowing that I would most likely spend it as single as ever. However, I've always liked the day itself. This year was slightly different from the rest since I was so busy that I barely had time to even dread the romantic notions attached to the 14th of February.

Yesterday, I saw Tristan and Isolde with a girlfriend. I must say it was a great Valentine guys on screen. hehehe.

Today, after a not so chaotic day with the kids I teach, I hung out with one of my closest guy friends. Gavin and I watched Scarface (finally since he's been bugging me to watch it especially since I had his video copy for over 2 years). We also saw some episodes of this cool Jap anime and I scored some movies from him. Oh, and he gave me my Christmas present that was long overdue. I got JLO Miama Glow...a scent that I've never tried before but now actually enjoy.

Afterwards, it was a quiet night at work but it went by swiftly. Then I treated my brother and mom at a Mediterranean restaurant...such good food. Now, I'm uncorking a bottle of win and gonna watch a DVD with my bro and mom. has been quite an enjoyable day. I hope you all had fun today too!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

The heart knows what the mind knows nothing of...

So for the past few days I've been really missing a certain friend. He's not my closest fact if I had to judge our closeness with each other based on the memories we've shared, the secrets or burdens we have told each other or how much we really now one another....I'd say we're just casual friends. However, when I'm away from home, he's definitely one of the people that I truly miss. And not in that...I haven't seen this person in a long time and it would be nice to hang out with him again kind of way...but more like I feel that there's something missing in my life since I haven't spent time with him or her in a while kind of way. having said that, my psychoanalytic personality kicked into gear and asked...what does this mean? Am I secretly crazy about this person and am in denial? Or am I just convincing myself that I am secretly in love with this person because Valentine's Day is just around the corner?

So the simpler straightforward part of me (coz if you know me at all you know there's a lot of personalities present here) decided to finally call my friend. And I talked to him for the 15 minutes that my break at work would allow and now I feel so much better.

Hearing his voice, laughing about the same old jokes and having the same light conversations made any weird unwanted doubts I had go away. I was just missing my lucky star.

Friday, February 03, 2006

blast from the past

Have you ever had a cut that you thought was healed then one day you bang it against something and it starts bleeding again?

Today, I saw an old acquaintance that I thought I would never run into again. Even though I saw a spark of recognition in her eyes when she saw me, she pretended not to know me and so I did the same. So I was standing there, acting like the perfect cashier and finishing her mother's transactions, meanwhile trying my hardest to ignore the aching wound that seemed to have reopened in my chest.

Funny...I guess some hurts never heal...or at least take a really really long time.