Friday, April 29, 2005

Last Night in Cali

I can't believe how fast time flies when you're having fun. Tomorrow, we leave california for the Philippines. Today, I went to LA with Kuya Omar and Tita Venus. Did a bit of shopping. VP couldn't come w/ us coz he's sick w/ a cold. Lucky bastard though end up going out w/ Tita Flor and got a bunch of nice stuff. hahaha. Right now, we're just hanging out at Tita Venus' house. We've polished 4 bottles of wine already between VP, Omar and I. We've been singing karaoke all night. Good times indeed! I'm gonna miss everyone sooo much. Well, if all goes to plan, I'll be back here next year. Anyway, I'm really excited to finally go to the philippines. Woohoo!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Good Times

Today, I Clarissa picked me up from my aunt's place. We had lunch at Yashinoya (japanese fastfood) w/c is her McDs. Then we went to her place and hung out for a while, talkin bout good ol' elementary school days. She also showed me some of the possible fabrics for her bridesmaids' dresses. Then she dropped me off to USC where I met up w/ Jarvis. Joy was supposed to meet us but it was raining in San Diego so she couldn't drive up. Jarvis showed me around his school, saw an OJ Simpson MVP trophy...oooh. Then we drove to Manhattan Beach where he lives. So awesome to live so close to the beach! Then he took me to a seafood restaurant where I tried some interestingly tasting oysters and good seafood jambalaya. After dinner we watched Amityville Horror w/c made me jump in my seat several times. It was soo good hanging out w/ him again considering it's been about 5 years since I last saw him. After he dropped me off, Omar, VP and I were supposed to go bowling but never quite made it. We had a crazy L.A. incident...yikes! And then we just hung out, had crappy In and Out burgers w/c we waited so long in the cold for...drank some green apple Smirnoff and then went to bed. Overall, this has been an awesome day!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Shopping Time

So yesterday, I just hung out w/ my cousin again. All we seem to do is eat and eat and eat. Which is cool coz I luv to eat. I also got a chance to hang out w/ some friends from St. Scho. It was great reminiscing about the good ol' days in the 80s and 90s. Yeah that's right, I thought I was pretty cool w/ a bandana on my shoulder! Today is shopping day! Yipee!!!! Hitting the outlet mall and downtown L.A.. Tomorrow I get to chill w/ Clarissa again (get some maid of honour homework) and see some St. E friends. Reunions all around! Fun times!

Monday, April 25, 2005

California Day 1

Got into Cali last night. My bro and I were split up in the plane. Our flight was full and they only had middle chairs got stuck between strangers. Thank goodness the flight was less than 5 hours. We saw one of the actors from Degrassi. Ooooh...a Canadian celebrity. hahaha. Saw the family yesterday which was nice. Today, just hung out w/ my cousin Omar. Hmmm...yummy real mexican burrito. If there's one thing I luv about's the food!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

last days

and so it life as an undergraduate in U of W. it's a tad anti-climactic. i guess it's cause not everyone is completely finished yet. steve, sorin, lisa and i are having a session right now. good times. actually...despite the random stresses of exams and lab reports and projects, life at waterloo has been: Good Times Indeed!

here's a toast to 5 years in scientific wonder waterloo. i shall miss it's sights and scents. may the memories and friendships lasts forever!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Productive Procrastination

As usual, I've been having a terrible time trying to get myself focussed on studying. Sigh...the days are getting longer, the temperature warmer, and summer vacation closer. How am I supposed to concentrate?

Thanks to Lisa, I've found myself a new author to obssess about...Mercedes Lackey. And so, instead of studying for my exams, I finished two of the books of her Obisidian Trilogy. Now I must wait a year for the third one to come out. Grrrr.

Today, I had a Molly Blooms Wing night with the Triple C (Chris, Char and Me) one last time. It was great to catch up, chow on some food, just like the good ol' days.

I must admit, as much as I am glad and excited to be free of Stinky Waterloo, I will miss it a lot....that is assumming that I get my act together, study, pass my exams and graduate. hahaha!!!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

All Set

I just booked my non-refundable tickets to London for September. Which means, this is it. No backing out. I'm going to do the Pilgrimage!!!

I also got into the French Immersion Program at College Boreal. So I'm not going to be around much this summer. How am I ever going to come up with the money for my trip??? Oh well, I'll think of something.

I'm so scared and excited at the same time. Aaaaaaaahhh!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

April Fool

I went to my last Science lecture in Waterloo....ever. I can't believe it's over. Goodbye Room B1-271! The dull memories within your walls I would forever try to block out of my mind. hehe.

To celebrate K-37 and K-26 went to the Hawaiian Luau at Weavers. As usual, it was nothing special but we did get our WCRI souvenir glasses which were our reasons for going. We were also hoping that we'd win a door prize but alas, that is not our luck. We also got free bubble teas and we used our new glasses to swipe some strawberries which Janette used for the waffles she made that night. yummy!

Afterwards, Bern, Neal and I went to Raquel's Kegger Party. It was fun! Lots of people I didn't know, but I still had a good time. Actually, I think I had too much of a good time coz I was in a pretty bad condition when I got home and well...I still feel a little queasy now.

Oh well....I had to party hard one last time I guess. Man...studying for exams is going to be a brutal undertaking. Ugh!