Thursday, April 28, 2005

Good Times

Today, I Clarissa picked me up from my aunt's place. We had lunch at Yashinoya (japanese fastfood) w/c is her McDs. Then we went to her place and hung out for a while, talkin bout good ol' elementary school days. She also showed me some of the possible fabrics for her bridesmaids' dresses. Then she dropped me off to USC where I met up w/ Jarvis. Joy was supposed to meet us but it was raining in San Diego so she couldn't drive up. Jarvis showed me around his school, saw an OJ Simpson MVP trophy...oooh. Then we drove to Manhattan Beach where he lives. So awesome to live so close to the beach! Then he took me to a seafood restaurant where I tried some interestingly tasting oysters and good seafood jambalaya. After dinner we watched Amityville Horror w/c made me jump in my seat several times. It was soo good hanging out w/ him again considering it's been about 5 years since I last saw him. After he dropped me off, Omar, VP and I were supposed to go bowling but never quite made it. We had a crazy L.A. incident...yikes! And then we just hung out, had crappy In and Out burgers w/c we waited so long in the cold for...drank some green apple Smirnoff and then went to bed. Overall, this has been an awesome day!


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