Sunday, May 08, 2005


So I've been in Manila for a week now. My last day in Manila was spent in a resort. It was really nice, bamboo huts, big pool, bbq and mangoes plus all my cousins and nieces which was super fun!!!! And it only cost about P100 per person..that's about $2!!!!

I flew into Cebu last night. It is cooler, nicer, cleaner here. It's not as congested as Manila and the people are also friendlier. So far, I've just been hanging out at my relatives' place. The touring starts started today. I'm going to go broke soon! hahahaha. Hopefully, I'll have the chance to hit the beach soon. Unfortunately, none of my aunts drive but my cousin is supposed to meet with us sometime soon and we can "Gimmick" together. That's Filipino slang for going out!


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