Thursday, February 08, 2007


So I've been feeling a bit down lately...discouraged and unmotivated and down in the dumps mainly because of my feelings of inadequacy and uselessness. I know I haven't been in touch with a lot of people for a calls, no emails, no messages or letters and I really don't have any good excuse. I've even rejected invites to parties and get-togethers stating that I'm really tired although I know that if my mood was at its normal high that would not stop me from hanging out. A friend blames it on the bf-syndrome but I think it's much worse than that. I've just basically been avoiding people because I'm sick and tired of being asked the same questions and having the same sad answers. That and this cruel blast of winter we're having is feeding my yearnings of cozy couches and general unsociability.

But this note is a tad cathartic.

So here's a big "I'M SORRY" for all those whom I owe a little "hello" and "Watsup" to.