Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Memoirs of the Under-employed

So it's been several months now since I've stopped gallavanting around the world...I guess that's pretty obvious since I have not been able to update this blog in a long time. It's also has been several months now since I've joined the job hunting field and judging by the the title of this blog, you don't need to be a genius to realize that i have yet to find a suitable employer. I admit...I haven't given 100% to this task but for a University graduate with some sort of experience to not even get at least an's pretty down right depressing and discouraging.

To top it off...since I'm uber broke...I can't even scratch my itchy feet and am stuck in boring Maple, with no cash to hit the malls or go out for fancy dinners or a night out in town.

I know, I's partly my fault and I also know I'm not alone in my misery but sometimes...make that a lot of feels good to just complain.

I hope you are faring better than me.