Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Summer's Over

So the leaves are slowly turning and the weather's getting colder and though summer isn't officially over, it might as well be.

What can be said about the past couple of months? I guess one can call it a not-super exciting summer of love, although it did have it's moments.

Top summer moments:

Camping at Algonquin Park with Rudolph, Shareena, Aaron and John where we had to canoe to our site and had an island all to ourselves.

Game Night with Gavin, Juan, Ate, RJ and mom...and Shaza made us some yummy cookies. Nothing like beer and games (Cranium, Scene It....Char and Gavin...ultimate Game Night Champs!)

Charlotte's Bday and April trying to DJ at some bar lounge...the name of which I can't recall.

Hangin out at Bern's townhouse downtown and playing Taboo. That was fun too.

Getting smashed over Jager Bombs with Joey, Gavin and Rudolph and playing fun xbox games.

Kuya Jerome and Cecily's wedding where Shani and I took a bunch of pics and danced like crazy. Unfortunately, my mom's comp harddrive died and I lost all the pictures. Booo!!!!

Visiting Lola Buds, Tita Cora and Tito Benny at Olympia, Washington...going shopping, eatign a lot and playing poker with Lola Buds.

Well, now the long days are getting shorter which also means that I really gotta get out of my lazy mode and start doing some serious job hunting.

Sigh...I miss the road...